5 Steps to connect with your vision (2020 version)

Today I will guide you through a process that will help you to ground yourself in the present moment, reconnect to your vision, and move forward.

Because I know that a lot of you wish to move forward and keep on working on your dreams but all the uncertainty that this year holds makes you miss a strong basis and clear direction you can build on.

I hope this article will help you with that.

This process consists of five steps and it might take you an afternoon to go through it all.
So get yourself comfortable, light a candle, make yourself a cup of tea, and let´s start!

Step 1: Get clear on the basics

If everything around you feels uncertain, it´s a good idea to get back to the basics.
That means connecting to your values, your intuition, your rhythm.

So take some time and explore:

  • What are your values?
    What is truly important to you?

  • How is your relationship with your intuition?
    What is your intuition telling you and how can you reconnect with your intuition?

  • What is your rhythm?
    What are the moments when you thrive and when do you need rest?
    When do you have all the energy, and when could you take things a bit easier?

With this as a basis, you can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Evaluate the status quo

Once you got clear on what is important to you, it is all about evaluating the status quo.
Where are you standing? What is your starting point?

Be honest with yourself and ask:

  • How is this showing up in my life right now?

  • How do I express these things (values, intuition, rhythm) in my life right now?

  • How much space do I give them right now?

Then you move on to the third step

Step 3: Reconnect with how things were before this year happened

An effective way to reconnect with the “old” you and level of motivation is to ask yourself:

  • How have the circumstances impacted how I honor those things in my life right now?

  • How have the circumstances impacted how I live in line with my values?

  • How has it impacted how I am listening to my intuition or how I honor my rhythm?

And then ask yourself: how can I live and invite more of those things into my life?

For example, when you feel grief, uncertainty, overwhelm – how can you use your values to move through that with more ease and peacefulness?
If you sense frustration, how can you use your intuition to guide you through this? 

Step 4: Change the story

This is where the fun begins because now we will flip the whole thing!

So instead of looking backward and suffering because things are challenging this year, ask yourself this

  • How does the current situation give me even more opportunity to express and honor my values, my intuition, my rhythm?

  • How can I live those things with greater depth than before and even more boldly than I did before?

Be honest with yourself here. Because you might feel as if there is not so much you can do at the moment, but in fact, you can.

Take a moment and ask yourself: what tiny little step can I take (or what bold action can I set)  to express and honor those things more in my life.

Once you have done that, you want to move on to the final step.

Step 5: Look into the future

Moving through this process up until this point helped you to understand what is and how you can move through this time in the best way possible. Now it´s time to look forward.
These questions will help:

  • How do I want to show up in the world?

  • Who do I want to be?

So instead of struggling with all that this year has thrown at you, you can ask this instead:

  • How can I show up as the person I want to be despite the current state of the world?

  • What can I do to BE the person I want to be, now more than ever before?

And then, go out there and shine your light!
The world needs you, beautiful human!

I hope this was helpful.
As always, when doing such exercises, be kind to yourself!
Don’t push yourself too much. Stay open and curious instead and observe what is showing up.

I am sending you love!


The tools you need right now (December 2020)


7  Journaling prompts to create a vision for your life